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I will admit, I am a Facebook and Twitter sucker.

There, I said it.

After a few conversations about many facebook/twitter features, I’ve been chewing over these questions: why do I need to know what someone is doing at exactly that moment?  Do I need to see the latest (and sometimes dorkiest) pictures right when they’re posted?  I could chew on a dozen other questions too.  I am most addicted to reading status updates.  At the rate that I read them, you would think that everything published is pertinent to my well-being.  It’s as if there’s this battery inside my brain that can only be recharged by logging onto facebook and reading status updates.  Bad, I know.

I wouldn’t consider myself a Facebook addict (just yet at least), but I am trying to take steps to prevent this from happening.  I can survive a day without knowing what 260 of my friends are doing.  I know, shocker.

What are your thoughts on this?  I realize that facebook and twitter can be a great tool to network with others.  However, I believe there is a fine line you must balance.  And I think I’m slowly losing my balance.

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