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…to TWENTY that is 😀  (It would have been cool to say that I made it to Paris or something…you know, a surprise birthday trip, but whatever.)



I love being twenty so far 😉 According to my 5yo sister, I don’t look any different than I did when I was 19, so that’s a plus 😀 😀


Today is my mom’s 46th birthday (don’t worry, I won’t get in trouble for blurting out the number…she already did), so I just want to say that I love you mom and hope you have a wonderful day 🙂

I hate the month of February.  Come to think of it, January, February and March are my least favorite months of the year.  In January, the hustle and bustle of the holidays are over.   February has Valentines Day (a droll holiday for someone like me who will probably never marry) and Groundhog Day (aside from the fact that it happens to be my mom’s birthday…who cares about groundhogs.  Winter never ends six weeks later anyways.)  March is just pathetic.  Here in Michigan, the weather can’t decide between winter or spring.  Often, it leans towards wintry.  Ugh.

For some reason, God saw fit to let me enter into the world in mid-February.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Humph.  For many, January 1st marks the beginning of the new year.  For me, however, I usually consider my birthday the beginning of my year.  So I’m a month and seventeen days off, but who cares.  My birthday has a huge significance in my life as I turn another year older.  It gives me a chance to come to grips with how I spent previous years and how I will spend the next year of my life.  Sounds somber, but as I grow older, celebrating my new year on my birthday ensures that reality hits me head-on and that I take a new year seriously.

This year, the analogy of a blank notebook came to me.  This next year is completely blank right now.   What will fill its pages?  What will God do?  At this point in my life, I have so many options.  So many pathways to chose.  It’s my prayer that I will follow God no matter where He leads.


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