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In my speech class today, we did an impromtu by answering these three questions in 30 seconds:

If you were able to meet anyone for dinner…. (my answers are in bold)

a) Who would you chose (they can be deceased or alive)?

Queen Elizabeth

b) Where would you meet them?

Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace, it wouldn’t matter to me.

c) What would you talk about?

We would discuss British history and the history of the British monarchy and how it affected Europe.   I’d also want a tour of whichever castle I was at with an explanation of the various artifacts that are housed there. (I know, such a history junkie…)


I am a big fan of lists. A big fan. It is so cool to cross things off as you complete them. A feeling of accomplishment always washes over me when my entire to-do list has been crossed off 🙂

Recently, I have been constructing a list of items I’d like for my birthday. The top three gifts on my list are:

1. The Most Beautiful Village of the Loire Valley

2. The Most Beautiful Villages of Provence

3. H&M gift card (love that store!)

I have also been constructing an always-changing list of places I want to visit:

1. Paris, France (and surrounding area)

2. Florence, Italy

3. London, England (and surrounding area)

I am so desperate to get over to Europe.  I don’t know why.  I don’t know where this wild passion comes from that makes me want to drop everything I am pursuing right now and just get over there.  I think it’s the fact that history lives over there.  Seriously.  You just don’t walk down Roman streets here.  Or work in buildings that have been standing since the Middle Ages.  Nothingh here can beat that.  Now, before I get labeled as a history-art-loving geek, let me explain that history and art are one of the biggest ways I understand myself.  By looking through the stain-glassed windows of St. Denis, staring in awe at the works of Cimabue or even peering through the magnificent windows at Esterhazy Palace, I come to a better understanding of who I am.   Sounds psycho, but it’s true. I guess you’d have to be a history-art-loving geek to understand.

I found this random picture of Florence, Italy on Google.  *melts*  Those buildings on both sides of the Arno River are actually palaces.  Yes, hard to believe because they don’t *look* like palaces because in the Middle Ages….oh wait, none of you probably even care 😛


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