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Fall is just around the corner and I can’t wait! While I enjoy summertime with all the beach activities and sunshine, fall is simply amazing. Maybe it’s the apple cider and donuts. Football games. Cool temperatures. The change of colors and the crunch of leaves beneath my feet. I don’t know. There’s just something about fall that I love. Several years ago, I wrote the following about this time of year:

The leaves have started falling. The ground is slowly being covered with hues of brown, yellow and red. Yes, fall has arrived here in Michigan and the next season is winter. Time to pull out jackets and jeans. Time to go pick apples and drink cider at the cider mill. Time to rake leaves off the ground….just to have more fall again. Ah yes, fall has definately arrived here in Michigan and I’m enjoying it.

The seasons change so abruptly here. Winter is typically our longest season and the other three (spring, summer and fall) are all pretty short. It’s easy to let the days pass by and not enjoy them. But as I get older (okay, I’m not that old), I’ve learned to enjoy the passing of each season and savor every single moment. I know that yet another will be upon us soon.

I am also learning to enjoy the seasons in my life as they pass by. I’m a junior in high school and next I’ll be a senior. Then I’ll never be in high school again. I’ll never be 16 again. I’ll never be able to re-live a certain day. The seasons in our lives change and I want to savor every part. I don’t want to forget the time I finished a math book or finish high school. I don’t want to forget the moment I found out I was accepted into orchestra. I don’t want to forget anything!

Sometimes I wish I had a portable video camera everywhere I went. This way I could instantly replay a memory. Just think, I could capture disappointment and sorrow. I could capture joy and happiness. I could capture everything. But, that is merely a wish.

So as I walk through life, I’m trying to savor every little bit. The joys and the sorrows. I have “slowed down” to take in everything. And I’m enjoying it…

It’s hard to believe I wrote this so long ago. I’m no longer sixteen, instead I’m nearly twenty. I’m not in high school anymore, but a sophomore in college. I have changed spiritually, physically (some of you may know that I have several health issues) and thank goodness, my writing has changed (wink). All of this has been good though and no matter the date, it’s still true.

The next few years will be interesting as I make decisions regarding my future and major changes will likely ensue. Regardless, I still don’t want to miss the small moments. I want to take time amidst all the activity to slow down and enjoy the beauty of what’s around me now.

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