You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2009.


the sky was absolutely stunning this evening and I couldn’t resist taking a couple of pictures.  I did just a bit of editing, but not much.  this is pretty true to what I saw 🙂

For the month of February, I am going to do a posting marathon here at my blog.  Even if it’s one sentence, a Bible verse or a dissertation (hehe…), I plan on posting 🙂  I know it’s not February yet, but tomorrow and Sunday I’ll be very busy…

I do have a couple of things I’d like to share though 😉

-A local youth theatre is putting on West Side Story this weekend 😀  My brother happens to have a lead part and I’m stoked about seeing it!!  If you live in the metro-Detroit area, think about going (details here).  This isn’t just your average youth production company and they have poured hours and hours into this.  It’s going to be awesome!

-I was accepted to the University of Michigan this afternoon 😀 😀 😀  I knew I’d get in when I applied because I’m a transfer student, but still 🙂  It’s official now 🙂  If all goes well, I’ll be pursuing communications and will graduate in 2011!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!  (oh, and sorry for the amount of smiley faces.  I’m just really excited 😀 😀 :D)

In my speech class today, we did an impromtu by answering these three questions in 30 seconds:

If you were able to meet anyone for dinner…. (my answers are in bold)

a) Who would you chose (they can be deceased or alive)?

Queen Elizabeth

b) Where would you meet them?

Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace, it wouldn’t matter to me.

c) What would you talk about?

We would discuss British history and the history of the British monarchy and how it affected Europe.   I’d also want a tour of whichever castle I was at with an explanation of the various artifacts that are housed there. (I know, such a history junkie…)


All the way my Savior leads me;
Who have I to ask beside?
How could I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my guide?

All the way my Savior leads me;
Cheers each winding path I tread,
Gives me grace for every trial,
Feeds me with the living Bread.

You lead me and keep me from falling.
You carry me close to Your heart.
And surely Your goodness and
Mercy will follow me.

All the way my Savior leads me;
O, the fullness of His love!
O, the sureness of His promise
In the triumph of His blood!
And when my spirit clothed immortal
Wings it’s flight to realms of day,
This my song through endless ages:
Jesus led me all the way!
Jesus led me all the way!

All the way my Savior leads me.
All the way my Savior leads me.

I hate the month of February.  Come to think of it, January, February and March are my least favorite months of the year.  In January, the hustle and bustle of the holidays are over.   February has Valentines Day (a droll holiday for someone like me who will probably never marry) and Groundhog Day (aside from the fact that it happens to be my mom’s birthday…who cares about groundhogs.  Winter never ends six weeks later anyways.)  March is just pathetic.  Here in Michigan, the weather can’t decide between winter or spring.  Often, it leans towards wintry.  Ugh.

For some reason, God saw fit to let me enter into the world in mid-February.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Humph.  For many, January 1st marks the beginning of the new year.  For me, however, I usually consider my birthday the beginning of my year.  So I’m a month and seventeen days off, but who cares.  My birthday has a huge significance in my life as I turn another year older.  It gives me a chance to come to grips with how I spent previous years and how I will spend the next year of my life.  Sounds somber, but as I grow older, celebrating my new year on my birthday ensures that reality hits me head-on and that I take a new year seriously.

This year, the analogy of a blank notebook came to me.  This next year is completely blank right now.   What will fill its pages?  What will God do?  At this point in my life, I have so many options.  So many pathways to chose.  It’s my prayer that I will follow God no matter where He leads.


I am a big fan of lists. A big fan. It is so cool to cross things off as you complete them. A feeling of accomplishment always washes over me when my entire to-do list has been crossed off 🙂

Recently, I have been constructing a list of items I’d like for my birthday. The top three gifts on my list are:

1. The Most Beautiful Village of the Loire Valley

2. The Most Beautiful Villages of Provence

3. H&M gift card (love that store!)

I have also been constructing an always-changing list of places I want to visit:

1. Paris, France (and surrounding area)

2. Florence, Italy

3. London, England (and surrounding area)

I am so desperate to get over to Europe.  I don’t know why.  I don’t know where this wild passion comes from that makes me want to drop everything I am pursuing right now and just get over there.  I think it’s the fact that history lives over there.  Seriously.  You just don’t walk down Roman streets here.  Or work in buildings that have been standing since the Middle Ages.  Nothingh here can beat that.  Now, before I get labeled as a history-art-loving geek, let me explain that history and art are one of the biggest ways I understand myself.  By looking through the stain-glassed windows of St. Denis, staring in awe at the works of Cimabue or even peering through the magnificent windows at Esterhazy Palace, I come to a better understanding of who I am.   Sounds psycho, but it’s true. I guess you’d have to be a history-art-loving geek to understand.

I found this random picture of Florence, Italy on Google.  *melts*  Those buildings on both sides of the Arno River are actually palaces.  Yes, hard to believe because they don’t *look* like palaces because in the Middle Ages….oh wait, none of you probably even care 😛


Not sure I like the way pictures are posted here, but I haven’t finished completely navigating everything. The way the photos are posted is a BIG deal for me as a photographer.

I am thinking of switching to WordPress, but I’m not sure still.  I have nothing of real substance over at Blogspot and I could always keep the archives up for reference…but hhmmmm.  Not sure.  Blogger is familiar, but Blogger has lots of bugs.

I know. decisions, decisions, decisions…

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